
2011-01-04 3:45 am

第3身(單數):he she it

咁係咪真係除左I 同 you 之外既任何英文字(單數) 都係要加s (present tense)??

a.My friend make(s) me pleased? (我既野都唔算第一身?)
b.My friend make me pleased?

a.Your behaviour make(s) me shocked? (你既野都唔算第2身?)
b.Your behaviour make me shocked?

回答 (3)

2011-01-04 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
除了I (我) 和 you (你) 之外, 如果用 present simple tense, singular subject (單數主詞) 任何英文字(單數), 當用main verb (動詞) 都係要加s.
Verb 字尾如果是ch, sh, ss, x, z 要加 es.

第3身(單數): he, she, it, Tom, Mary, boy, girl, teacher, dog, book, …. etc.

He reads a book.
He washes the dishes.
Mary passes the shop.
He fixes the car.
The dog barks.

小心 subject 是plural, (made up of two singular noun)

Tom and Mary wash the dishes. 不用 washes.

字 news, mathematics, physics, statistics 是 singular noun, 雖然字尾是s

The news surprises me. (news是 third person singular)
Physics is a difficult subject.

My friend, My behaviour 是第3身單數. "My" is the possessive form of "I".

My friend reads a book.
My behaviour shocks my parents.
2011-01-04 8:34 pm


2011-01-04 3:54 am
除了I同You之外既任何單數詞都係要加s (present tense)!
記住:They 同 We 係唔加s咖!
記住:They 同 We 唔係 單數詞!

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