
2011-01-03 8:14 am
我幫自己個女改咗 "winki" 呢個洋名,意念係原自佢個真正英文名 "wing kiu" 唔要尾兩個字而合成。

1. winki 呢個洋名合唔合文法或發音?改洋名可唔可以自我喜好?
2. 有人話 winki 正確應該係 winkie 至啱,這對不對,請詳解?
3. 若 winki 真的不合文法或發音,以人名來說,可唔可以繼續用?寫出嚟又會唔會比人笑?


回答 (4)

2011-01-04 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ok, let me first answer your question b4 I make some suggestions.

1) There is nothing wrong in pronouncing "Winki" because it is not a tongue twister for any foreigner or local chinese to say it. Wink.. Kee! (loud); winki (soft)... all seem alright.

2) Yes, it's more proper to have it named Winkie because most names like
Jackie, Frankie, Winnie etc.. ends with "ie" instead of a single "i" because the letter i in english is sometimes pronounce as "e". To prevent any possible happenings of a mispronouncing, an ie is used instead.

3) Name : Winki has no chance of an mispronuncing, may it be : Win- ki; Win-ke is still Winki ; Wink- i or Wink- e (is not possible). However, when it comes to jokes as some names may sound like something, Winki would sound like blinking your eyes or raising of eye brow rapidly. So, if that seem undesirable try using Winkie instead.

Points to consider : under Feng shui and astrology
the word W looks like a double arrow downwards, it may be consider inauspicious for some since we generally see our name as something directly link to our luck or prospective.. so I suggest a M or A instead. Since you have name Wing Kiu as winki why don't you try switching it to
Minnie or Minny instead.

Earth , Wind & Fire 師傅
2011-01-04 8:45 pm


2011-01-03 8:21 am
2011-01-03 8:20 am

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