About my studies

2011-01-03 6:40 am
I have tried various methods to try to do better on doing revision
No matter how many efforts I put , how many time I spent , it seems not effective and efficient
So guys , do you have any methods which can improve the efficiency and effectiveness on doing my revision ?
Please help me !
Thanks a lot !

回答 (3)

2011-01-12 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To: yin******@ymail.com

chiu yee is not asking for translation. She needs methods in study.

2011-01-12 10:46:39 補充:
Dear Chiu Yee,

as you have not told the year of study and the background of your school, the most direct method cannot be offered. But in general, the following guidelines would help a lot, from my experience:

1) Talk with the teachers. They are professionals in their fields. They have good results in their study in such subjects. They must have some good learning methods to share with you. And remember, the daytime aided / govt. schools are all free of charge. Why don't you make use of this good channel to seek help?

Remember, each subject has its unique learning method, even some are quite similar. Talk to each subject teacher you feel difficulties and they must be willing to share some good methods for you.

2) Study the peer meaning methods. Focus on those smart and above-average students, they must have some "smart" "efficient" and "effective" studying methods despite their genius. You can talk with those friendly guys for some advices, and see if they can work.

3) My method is: Study with concentration, ask questions whenever troubles arise, compare the learning progress with peers, study even no test or exam. in the near future. Study is your own asset. Any time, any place we can study. This is my case.

4) Remember, different people also have different tailor-made learning styles. Those opinions can be used for reference only. You need not to do a copycat, try to generate and develop a new method useful for yourself, okay?

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-01-04 7:28 pm
I think you should 1. study your subject in the subject's angle instead of your past experience 2. Many subjects are abstractive, you cannot link them with your daily life or experience. For example, some Logistic formulas you may not agree with your common sense, but just follow the rules and do it. 3. Emotion Control- try to take some breaks during study. But you should start your study as earlier as possible. 4. Facing the core problems, not just go through them only. Make sure you can solve the problems found from your study. 5. 100% preparation= 70%exam result. 6. Find the subjects that suitable to you, don't follow group's opinion. Example Male students should take Science Major in high school. It is wrong, if you look around how many CEO are Science Study background?
7. Peer support- you know you are not alone 8.Pray and be good luck!
2011-01-04 2:44 am

2011-01-03 18:44:53 補充:
參考: gogle

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