2011-01-03 12:20 am
one of them 後面用is
咁18 of them 後面要用are嗎? 多過1個就要用are嗎??

另外想問下one-three of them後面用are or is?

回答 (2)

2011-01-03 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
one third of them後面用are or is?

It depends on what "them" represents. In most cases, 'are' should be used.

e.g. There are fifteen children in the room. One third of them are boys.
2011-01-03 1:23 am
one of them 後面用is
咁18 of them 後面要用are嗎? 是的。
多過1個就要用are嗎?? 是的。
one-third of them後面用are or is? 用is 。
參考: 本人的英文知識

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