今日管业处有人看过厕地, 话D白色野是因为以前有咸水浸過撻地.
頭先走去話個地產, 問佢點解連無油油都唔知..., 我要求業主延長免租期或延遲起租期, 我的要求是否合理? 維修或清潔費在下次租金扣有無問題呢?我就覺得無, 大家點睇? 若干涉律師, 咪要比律師費? 想投訴個經紀, 因比佢搞到好麻煩, 又點樣做呢?謝謝大家.
May I know if the landlady verbally agrees in front of the agent, is it as good as written confirmation? (of course black and white is definitely good but there are situation that both parties never met before they signed the agreement or they just talk over the phone through agent.)
Anyway, I learnt to be smarter next time when I rent another flat. Together with the agents, my friend and I met the landlady's sister yesterday. The landlady's sister who is a mainland Chinese is a pleasant young lady.
I believe everything can be sorted out if proper communication skills is used. I am now waiting for the property agent (the saleslady) to tell me when the painting and repair work finish, so that I can arrange mover etc.
唉! I have to call towngas, CLP, WSD to cancel the termaination of water to another 7 days... Although all the troubles seem to be created by the property agent (saleslady), I dont really want her to lose her job because of my complain. She is new to this career and I have already shouted at her.
I wonder if I should give her a chance. I was told that she is only given about $1,000 out of the $7,000 commission my friend paid. Is that true? Wa, if that is true, that means Centaxxxx is like a bloody sucker.
I also think that the property company ie. Centaxxxx has the duty to train their staff properly. If I report it to EAA, what do they do? Will the sales get blame or Centaxxxx get blame?
唔好意思, 因打中文好慢, 所以打英文. 終於見到業主細妹, 好人一個, 宜家問題只是油漆做得不好, 1 日半話油完700尺, 唔知係咪裝修公司偷雞, 只用出日半錢請個油漆, 家陣做得唔好, 個業主又唔知,個地產又無跟,...
請問有無人知道接成一單租盤, 個經紀同公司點分, 租客比7000蚊佢分到幾多, 個經紀除了幫租客開過水.電.煤三個户口, 開果陣又唔預先話比租客聽, 之後煤氣公司打比租客問佢有無開煤氣户口, 租客一頭霧, 因為佢自己工作忙, 一時醒吾起, 後尾打去問經紀, 個經紀諸多藉口, 仲話個客誤會, 咁係咪即係話個客錯, 其實比得commission佢, 佢係咪要有d交带呢?佢都應該之前解釋比個客聽...
個經紀比我當面話幾次, 後來佢將我我影間屋d相比業主睇, 業主睇到自己間4,000,000 樓咁大鑊, 拿拿林叫個細妹搞掂... 請問有無人知道, 如果我投訴, 咁會有什麼事發生? 除了經紀做得唔好,其實我覺得中x地產咁大間公司都要負責, 因為佢地無管理好d員工操守, 個經紀替租客做咁小嘢, 要比足7000 commission, 覺得唔值, 同分行經理講有無用? 謝謝指點.