Check Grammar

2011-01-02 1:50 am
Some people always say,a new day is a new beginning,but for some people,is the history iterate again and again!!!


回答 (3)

2011-01-02 5:41 pm
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Some people always say,a new day is a new beginning,but for some people,is the history iterate again and again!!!

文法上,這句子最大的問題是 sub-ordinated clause "but for some people, is the history iterate again and again!" 內有 "is" 和 "iterate" 兩個 verbs. "is" 前面簡畧了 "it" 也不大妥當。

重複方面,"some people" 說了兩次,而 "iterate" 和 "again and again" 意思一樣。不是大問題,但也是可改善的。

至於 quotation 方面,由於 quote 的只是意思,又不是某人說的,所以不需 colon 和 quotation marks,但既不是原文,用 "say" 也不甚好。


To some people, a new day is a new beginning, but to others, it is history iterating.

參考: my past learning
2011-01-02 11:21 pm

2011-01-02 2:57 am
這句話的語法是有錯誤。因為兩個不同的意思在同一單句(simple sentence) 中表達。
Some people always say: a new day is a new beginning. But for some people, it (refer to 'a new day') is the history iterate again and again!

引用一些俗語或諺語,是要用冒號(colon:),不是要用逗號(comma,)。但由於不是某人說的確切話語,所以不用加引號(quotation mark' ')。
參考: 本人的英文知識

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