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i agrre America should correct the mistakes they did all these years.
they should 100 % not to interfere other countries policy and the way other country people live. stop all the action and suport to another beside directly relative with America interest. even these actions each year will cause the world about 28 millions people slowly die in hungry and sickness. 16 millions continue die in poor living condition related causes. 500+ millions children will never get health attention and education. millions will die in their civil war or killed by their leader, half the world pupolation will unable to receive suport of new techology and medication study anymore from US. the United Nation, WHO, Red Cross.....etc world orgrangizations will collpase or dry up without funding from US.
America should stop these mistakes and keep the exrta energy and money for American, continue keep the country super strong and rich. stop be as world police, and care taker. just leave the world alone.
let the communist countries and terrosist countries rule the world soon day by day.
2011-01-02 06:38:21 補充:
we live in US have to pay 30%+ taxes from owr salary each year. and donate hundreds of billions to people not like America. that is the first BIG mistake we should stop.
2011-01-04 11:44:15 補充:
US amke a big mistake 70 years ago, they should sign a peace treat with Japan, and let Japan take over all the Far East countries.... beacuse those countries even today still not appreciate what US did in WW II.
2011-01-04 11:45:29 補充:
US make a mistake to fight the Kroae war. just let the communist North take over the South.
2011-01-04 11:51:49 補充:
US make a same mistake again to fight the Vietnam war. why got over 40,000 American die in the war to stop the communist invade the South China countries? just let Tailand, Malayisa, Singapone ..... etc. become communism countries today.