
2011-01-01 9:20 pm
我想問 present perfect tense 和 past perfect tense 有什麼分別?

我又想問present perfect tense 和 past perfect tense 的用途是什麼?


回答 (2)

2011-01-02 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Present perfect tense is used when:
1. an action is finished and this action has a connection to the present
I have opened the window. (means the window is still open now)
I have done my assignments. (means my assignments are still 'completed', the action of doing assignments is finished and its connection to the present is the state of the assignments is still finished)
2. a situation that started before and lasts up till the present
It has been a sunny day. (means the sun is still shining now)
The weather has been cold. (means it is still cold now)
3. with words 'since' and 'for'
I have started learning piano since I was ten years old.
I have started learning piano for 5 years.
Both sentences imply 'I am still learning piano.'

Past perfect is used when:
1. an action is finished, and this action is related to another action in the past; we use past perfect to show an earlier action and simple past to show a later action
I had done my assignments when my mum arrived home.
2. an action is finished and its effect does not last up till the present
I had lived in Paris. (means I am not living in Paris now but I was living in Paris before)
3. with words 'since' and 'for'
I had started learning piano since I was ten years old.
I had started learning piano for 5 years.
Both sentences imply 'I am not learning piano now'.
參考: 本人的英文知識
2011-01-01 10:45 pm
present perfect tense 用 has/have +verb 個verb 唔係現在,過去式個D 係p.p個D la
e.g be 轉been
past perfect tense 要用 had+verb 唔係現在,過去式個D 係p.p個D la

present perfect tense 用在現在岩岩完成個D sentense

用在present perfect tense 果 D 時間指示 already,just,ever,never 等等

e.g I have already done my homework 我岩岩做完功課

past perfect tense 用在過去左有一定規律完成個D sentense

用在past perfect tense 果 D 時間指示after ,before

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