Economics Urgent x 100!!

2010-12-31 6:26 am
Traffic congestion is a serious problem in Central. There are some solutions:1. Introducing an electronic road pricing system 2. Encouraging people to work at home3. Banning all private cars from entering Centrala . Is traffic congestion about for whom to produce?b. Which solution is by customs and traditions?c. Give ONE Good and BAD for each of the three proposed solutions. China has a large farming population, yet it also imports food from other countries. Many farmers have changed their occupation to become factory workers. They produce manufactured products for export.
Use the concept of opportunity cost, exchange and specialization to explain the above phenomenon.4. AC=AFC+AVC (average cost is=the sum of average fixed cost and marginal variable cost) Is it correct?5 . MC=MFC+MVC Is it correct?6. Explain whether the statement is correctI. A short run is followed by a long run and a long run is also followed by a short run.II. Why principal is more geo. mobile (contrast with secretary of school)?III. Domestic helpers provide service , is it a consumer good or producer good?
本人就快考試 臨考前有幾條econ問題唔識 希望大家可以幫幫手..答時有examples解釋下..同埋唔識既唔好亂答!! 十萬感激~~

回答 (1)

2011-01-04 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. I don't think it is for whom to produce. In my opinion, it could be relate to what to produce. For a piece of land, government can build road, house, office, etc. If it builds road, it could cure traffic congestion. It could be relate to where to produce too, if you build more office outside Central, less people need to travel to Central. I am not sure, coz I left school for long, may forget some theory relate to for whom to produce. b. Don't exactly understand the question, introducing electronic road pricing system had been raised for long, but not implment yet. I never heard people encourage to work at home to solve traffic congestion problem... I never heard to ban private cars from entering Central neither... c. 1. Pro: get more revenue; Con: the admin cost may be high 2. Pro: Save travelling time; Con: hard to monitor people ae working or not 3. Pro: Solve the problem easily; Con: Inconvinent to many people. Opportunity cost is highest valued option to be forgone. The O.C. of being farmer (salary of worker) is higher than being a worker (salary of farmer), so many farmers change their job. So workers will export manufacured products in exchange for imported food. And under specialization, the productivity is higher so they can produce more goods. 4. AC=AFC+AVC< i think it's correct, pls check your textbook. (average cost is=the sum of average fixed cost and marginal variable cost) < incorrect? not MARGINAL, but AVERAGE variable cost? please check your text book. 5. fr my understanding, fixed cost has no marginal cost, so MC = MVC? MC=MFC+MVC is wrong? 6. I. pls check your textbook, see the difference of very short run, short run, long run and very long run? I forget the name, but it depends on number of fixed factor and variable factor. II. I dun get what the question ask? III. consumer good is final good and service, while producer is intermiediate. since the service by domestic helpers is not for resell, it is final, so it's consumer good.

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