Can "me" act as a subject?

2010-12-31 6:13 am
I've come across a sentence below,

"Poor little old me has to do everything around here"

I wonder if "I" should be used instead of "me". i.e.

"Poor little old I has to do everything"

It's because "I" is the subject form of subject of the sentence, and me is object form. Isn't it?

Please let me know if I'm wrong.


回答 (3)

2010-12-31 7:20 am
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Sorry to say you're wrong.

Poor little old me... is correct.
因為"我"在這裏是object,而且是被形容的物體,poor little old是用來形容我。所以跟後的便是object,所以用me。雖然句子看似"我"是主角,但其實是我的"狀況"才是主角。


silly think you love me.
it is stupid of steal the candy.
shoot me on the foot for making such a mistake.

2010-12-31 7:00 am
The sentence you quoted is correct. 'me' is better than 'I'.

Please consider the following expressions.
Poor little old me (is the one who) has to do everything around here.
It is me to do everything around here.
Poor little old me, I have to do everything around here.
2010-12-31 6:26 am
Of course, you are right.

But, we do not add any adjective before "I". On the contrary,
we use "me" instead.

This is grammar rule.

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