2010-12-31 3:56 am
In the figure, a right cylindrical solid with the height of x cm(where x<10) and the volume of y cm3 is inscribed in a hollow sphere with a radius of 10 cm.

a. Prove that y = 100兀x - x^3兀/4

b. If the volume of the cylindrical solid is 198兀 cm3, find its height.


3. There are three water pipes A, B and C each with water flowing at a constant speed. If the pipes are used individually to fill up an empty pool, pipe A takes 5 more hours to fill it up than pipe B, while pipe C takes 2 more hours than pipe B. If the three pipes are used simultaneously, they take 4 hours to fill up the pool. Suppose pipe B alone takes x hours to fill up the pool.
(a) Prove that x^3 - 5X^2 - 46x-40=0.
(b) Hence find x by factorizing x^3 -5x^2 -46x-40.


我唔係好明點解, r^2 + (x/2)^2 = 10^2 你點樣肯定 佢條邊係x既一半,而佢個斜邊又係=半徑既長度=10cm??

回答 (2)

2010-12-31 4:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. Let r be the base radius of the cylinder.
Using Pythagora's theorem, r^2 + (x/2)^2 = 10^2
r^2 = 100 - x^2/4

y = (pi)r^2x
= (pi)(100 - x^2/4)x
= 100pi x - pi x^3/4

b. 198pi = 100pi x - pi x^3/4
x^3 - 400x + 792 = 0
(x - 2)(x^2 + 2x - 396) = 0
x = 2 or 18.9(rej.) or -20.9(rej.)
So the height is 2cm.

3a. Let V be capacity of the pool.
For pipe B, flow rate = V/x
For pipe A, flow rate = V/(x + 5)
For pipe C, flow rate = V/(x + 2)
Hence 4(V/x + V/(x + 5) + V/(x + 2)) = V
4(x + 2)(x + 5) + 4x(x + 2) + 4x(x + 5) = x(x + 2)(x + 5)
x^3 - 5x^2 - 46x - 40 = 0

b. Using long division, x^3 - 5x^2 - 46x - 40 = (x - 10)(x^2 + 5x + 4)
= (x - 10)(x + 1)(x + 4) = 0
x = 10 or -1(rej.) or -4(rej.)

2010-12-30 20:28:36 補充:
flow rate x time taken = capacity of the pool

2010-12-30 20:54:06 補充:
1. 條線向下/向上移左 x/2 (再次重申,圓柱既中心點同球心係同一點)
2. 條線向左/向右移左 r
3. 條線實際長度即球體半徑,10
參考: me
2010-12-31 4:49 am
(a) The radius r = √[100-(x/2)^2]


(b) 198π=100πx-πx^3/4
x=2 (There is no reason and the answer is obtained by trial and error)
So, the height is 2 cm

3(a) 4[1/(x+5)+1/x+1/(x+2)]=1

(b) 10 is a root. (Again there is no reason) So x^3-5x^2-46x-40=0 becomes
x=10 or -1 or -4
So, B alone takes 10 hours to fill up the pool.

2010-12-30 20:57:20 補充:

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