Present Perfect Tense 的問題

2010-12-30 2:06 am
Present Perfect Tense 的問題

I have already read these book.

I have read these book. 有什麼分別 ??


I have been planning this new project since last year .

I have planned this new project since last year .

又有什麼分別 ??

感激不盡 !!

回答 (5)

2011-01-03 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) I have already read these books.
(2) I have read these books.

以上两句子, 意思和時態(tense) 一樣,沒有什麼差異,祇是第一句子多了個字 already, 加強語氣在 “已經”或“早已”.可能我不想再閱讀這些書 老師或父母催促我閱讀, 我回答強調已經讀過.


(1) I have been planning this new project since last year. (Present perfect continuous tense)
(2) I have planned this new project since last year. (Present perfect tense)

Started at Now
some time
last year

行動 (plan this new project) 在昨年開始, 一路繼續直到現在.

第一句子有打算延續( continue), 未停, 無人知道將來何時完成, 有什麼事突發生, 著重在行動上, 何時完成不重要, It does not matter whether the planning of the new project has been finished or not. 在這一刻, 行動仍然繼續. We are more interested in the action.

第二句子行動現在完成. 著重在結果, 不是在行動上.This time, the important thing is that something has been finished. We are interested in the result of the action, not in the action itself.

還有第一句子 how long something has been happening, (focus on the duration of action) 第二句子雖然有提到時間,焦點是 how much I have done, how many things I have done.
參考: Grammar in Use - R. Murphy
2010-12-30 2:15 pm
1) I have already read these books.
2) I have read these books

* note that both sentences do not differ in tense or meaning. The only difference here is the tone intensity of the 1st sentence is stronger than the 2nd. Just like when mum call to check on you to see if you read the book.
You reply :
I've read the book already! (stronger emphasis)

I've read the book.


1) I have been planning this new project since last year. (present prefect continous tense)

2009--------planning project---------->now|| are you still planning?= unknown

2) I have planned this new project since last year. (present prefect tense)

2009-------planning project------->now||--->finished planning = planned

ok if you can see from diagram, both started planning last year but one one has finished and the other is unknown. Both sentences are similiar in meaning on their start but may or may not be same in ending.

*unknown = you have to tell me, if not how the hell am I suppose to know?

2010-12-30 7:00 am

2010-12-30 6:56 am
因為無左 already/just/yet
2010-12-30 2:25 am

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