
2010-12-29 11:17 pm
1) Today I (have) an amazing day! This morning, I (go) for a walk before breakfast. As I (walk) along the beach, I (hear) a scream --- 'SHARK!' Everybody (run) out of the water. When they (look) again, they (realize) that it (be) only a toy boat with black sails! Silly them!
I (have) breakfast with my family on the hotel balcony after my walk. While we (eat), it suddenly (start) raining very heavily. It was really stormy so we (get) drenched. However, the rain (not last) long. It only (rain) till 11:30 am. The hotel manager (say) that unpredictable weather in Malaysia.

2) Father (take) me to Ocean Park today to (see) the giant pandas. We got up early because we (be) afraid there would be a lot of people at the park. But we (be) wrong. There (be) only a small crowd of visitors waiting at the park's entrance when we (get) there.
It was fun to watch An An and Jia Jia chewing on bamboo and climbing tree. Father too seemed to enjoy watching them.
Some visitors said that they saw the pandas on the TV, so they decided to come here today. She added that she was (fascinate) to see the way they eat.

回答 (4)

2010-12-30 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Today I (had) an amazing day! This morning, I (went) for a walk before breakfast. As I (was walking) along the beach, I (heard) a scream --- 'SHARK!' Everybody (ran) out of the water. When they (looked) again, they (realized) that it (was) only a toy boat with black sails! Silly them!
I (had) breakfast with my family on the hotel balcony after my walk. While we (were eating), it suddenly (started) raining very heavily. It was really stormy so we (got) drenched. However, the rain (didn't last) long. It only (rained) till 11:30 am. The hotel manager (said) that unpredictable weather in Malaysia.

2) Father (took) me to Ocean Park today to (see) the giant pandas. We got up early because we (was) afraid there would be a lot of people at the park. But we (were) wrong. There (was) only a small crowd of visitors waiting at the park's entrance when we (got) there.
It was fun to watch An An and Jia Jia chewing on bamboo and climbing tree. Father too seemed to enjoy watching them.
Some visitors said that they saw the pandas on the TV, so they decided to come here today. She added that she was (fascinated) to see the way they eat.
2010-12-30 7:16 am


2010-12-29 11:33 pm
1) Today I have an amazing day! This morning, I go for a walk before breakfast. As I walk along the beach, I hear a scream --- 'SHARK!' Everybody run out of the water. When they look again, they realize that it be only a toy boat with black sails! Silly them!
I have breakfast with my family on the hotel balcony after my walk. While we eat, it suddenly starts raining very heavily. It was really stormy so we get drenched. However, the rain not last long. It only rain till 11:30 am. The hotel manager says that unpredictable weather in Malaysia.

2) Father takes me to Ocean Park today to see the giant pandas. We got up early because we are afraid there would be a lot of people at the park. But we are wrong. There be only a small crowd of visitors waiting at the park's entrance when we get there.
It was fun to watch An An and Jia Jia chewing on bamboo and climbing tree. Father too seemed to enjoy watching them.
Some visitors said that they saw the pandas on the TV, so they decided to come here today. She added that she was fascinated to see the way they eat.
參考: 自己
2010-12-29 11:26 pm
tense1) Today I (had) an amazing day! This morning, I (went) for a walk before breakfast. As I (was walking) along the beach, I (heard) a scream --- 'SHARK!' Everybody (ran) out of the water. When they (looked) again, they (realized) that it (was) only a toy boat with black sails! Silly them!
I (had) breakfast with my family on the hotel balcony after my walk. While we (were eating), it suddenly (started) raining very heavily. It was really stormy so we (got) drenched. However, the rain (didn't last) long. It only (rained) till 11:30 am. The hotel manager (said) that unpredictable weather in Malaysia.

2) Father (took) me to Ocean Park today to (see) the giant pandas. We got up early because we (was) afraid there would be a lot of people at the park. But we (were) wrong. There (were) only a small crowd of visitors waiting at the park's entrance when we (got) there.
It was fun to watch An An and Jia Jia chewing on bamboo and climbing tree. Father too seemed to enjoy watching them.
Some visitors said that they saw the pandas on the TV, so they decided to come here today. She added that she was (fascinated) to see the way they eat.

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