
2010-12-29 11:08 pm
(1) Thanks for your letter. Yes, I'm glad to say that I (do) well at school. I (have) difficulty at first trying to catch up with my classmates, but I (make) it at last and I (begin) to enjoy my school life.
My sister (still/take) her piano lessons. She (go) to high school in the coming September and she (be) excited about it.
(you/join) the English Speaking Club? Tell me all about the things you (do) there. Practice (be) the key to a good command of English. I'm sure you (be) able to speak fluent English in the near future.
The summer vacation (come) soon. I (miss) you and all my friends back home, but I don't think I (return) to Hong Kong this summer. My room mate and I are going to take trips to some places of interest. What about you? (you/have) any plans for the vacation?
I must go now. Please say hello to Mary.

(2) Kelly (be) a very bright student and she never (miss) school. But she (not come) to school since Tuesday. It is because she (break) her arm in a road accident the day before. When she (leave) school that day, she (be) with a friend. They (cross) the road when a bicycle (hit) Kelly. Her friend immediately (take) her to hospital by taxi. She (be) there for 5 days already. I (go) to visit her today and she (feel) much better now.

回答 (1)

2010-12-30 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Thanks for your letter. Yes, I'm glad to say that I (do ) well at school. I (have) difficulty at first trying to catch up with my classmates, but I (make) it at last and I (begin) to enjoy my school life.
My sister (still/take) her piano lessons. She (will go) to high school in the coming September and she (is) excited about it.
(you/join) the English Speaking Club? Tell me all about the things you (doing) there. Practice (is) the key to a good command of English. I'm sure you (have) able to speak fluent English in the near future.
The summer vacation (come) soon. I (miss) you and all my friends back home, but I don't think I (return) to Hong Kong this summer. My room mate and I are going to take trips to some places of interest. What about you? (you/have) any plans for the vacation?
I must go now. Please say hello to Mary.

(2) Kelly (is) a very bright student and she never (miss) school. But she (did not come) to school since Tuesday. It is because she (broke) her arm in a road accident the day before. When she (left) school that day, she (was) with a friend. They (were crossing) the road when a bicycle (hit) Kelly. Her friend immediately (took) her to hospital by taxi. She (has been ) there for 5 days already. I (am going) to visit her today and she (is feeling) much better now.

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