Poorly Rottweiler Puppy?

2010-12-28 7:01 pm
i have a 9 month old rottweiler who has a problem with his shoulder / elbow. Before i continue, he has been to the vet, and is awaiting treatment. Its either elbow / shoulder displacia or arthritis. Either way, he limps alot and sometimes whimpers when walking on his leg.
Iv been advised not to take him for walks until he is treated, but the poor guy is getting so restless, so im looking for advise on keeping him occupied.
He cant run or walk about too much so chasing games are out of the question, and he loves tug of war but cant play properly because he cant use his leg.
So anyone have any ideas which i can keep the poor guy entertained until he is better? Thanks!

回答 (10)

2010-12-28 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You really need to ask your vet's opinion about this, but likely the safest exercise for him would be swimming or hydrotherapy. If he's got elbow dysplasia, hopefully he gets in for surgery real soon.
2016-04-25 1:24 pm
It's very normal for a Rottweiler. However you will want to make sure he is eating good and getting proper nutrients. At his age I would suggest getting a puppy formula from the pet store and mixing it with some solid puppy food. This way he can transition more easily to dry food. There is no reason the puppy should have been removed from the mother at such an age and even if the puppy was orphaned by the mother the breeder should have assured the puppy was adequately nurished and cared for until he was at a stable age to be on his own. Check with the vet just in case. There may be other underlying problems that you may not take notice of.
2010-12-28 7:15 pm
You are faced with a difficult situation especially because your dog is a puppy and wants to play.
Try things like kong toys where you can put peanut butter in them to get them to chew on thing .Your
best bet is chewy things...I doubt that this will put much if any weight on him...grooming is more intense on you but it also occupies the pup w/o having him move around much...and also messages
will occupy his time. You have a lot of work cut out for you.
2010-12-28 7:09 pm
There are lots of toys out there that make dog's "think" in order to get a reward. Toys like Kongs, where you can hide a cookie and they have to figure out how to get it out. There are puzzle games that they have to slide compartments open, up or down to get the reward, things like that. Work on obedience- eye contact, focus, the "stay" command, learning how to sit automatically when you come to a stop.. Keeping his mind occupied with help. Baby carrots are good treats for dogs if you want to try the hiding games. Most dogs like them, and they are not as calorie filled as dog cookies.
2010-12-28 7:08 pm
There are lots of puzzle toys that you can put his kibble into, that make him work to figure out how to get his kibble out.

A kong filled with peanut butter and some kibble, then frozen, will keep him occupied as well. You may want to reduce the amount of peanut butter because of his lack of activity.

If your puppy has dysplasia, it's genetic. His parents should never have been bred, any dog with dysplasia should be neutered/spayed. I would bet that your puppy is from a back yard breeder or not a very reputable breeder. Please make sure you have your puppy neutered at your first opportunity.
2010-12-28 7:08 pm
get him a puppy kong that you can stuff with food but take the amount you give him out of his main food so he wont put on to much weight and dogs love a massage you can exercise his legs for him to keep his muscles going missing out his bad leg abit like doggy physio
2010-12-28 7:08 pm
you could get him a nice comfty bed if you dont have one already. and for toys you could get him some bones to chew on or those toys that you hide treats in and they have to figure out how to get them out. that should simulate some brain activity. Hope your dog gets better :)
2010-12-28 7:08 pm
Try mental stimulation, such as:
1. stuff one of his toys with canned pumpkin or plain yogurt (both good for dogs, peanut butter is very high in fat so he might get diarrhea or gain weight since he can't run it off. Yogurt has antioxidants which is great for all living things.)
2. Sit on the floor with him and play with his toys.
3. Give him new toys he can just lay there and play with, like something stuffed or that squeaks. The squeaking will excite him without him having to toss it around.
4. Let him lay on the couch and watch movies with you. My dog loves laying on our couch because he doesn't get to do it often and he prefers movies with animals in them like 8 below.
參考: 1 year old German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix owner
2010-12-28 7:07 pm
I would suggest doing mental activities instead of physical activities.
Try teaching it new tricks. Its amazing how just stimulating the mind can entertain the dog, and actually wear it out for a while.
2010-12-28 7:31 pm
First of all I would like to say that I am very sorry that you have this problem.

If you bought this dog from a good breeder then please get back to them about it, however, I am guessing you didn't. We really are seeing such poorly bred rotties in the UK that is getting ridiculous.

How far have you got with this then, and have they done any x-rays on it yet. Did the vet mention OCD at all. If it is shoulder problems then it is more likely to be that. If it is elbow then it could be OCD or dysplasia.

He absolutely MUST rest for sure otherwise he could do more damage. Had he been to obedience classes as it is these mental exercises that he now needs.

If you still have him on puppy food then take him off and put him on adult.
What brand are you feeding him ? Make sure it isn't something crappy like Bakers.

Did you stick to the 5 minute rule - so that he was only having his 5 mins per day per month of life exercise.

Try and leave him for periods of time in a quiet place in a crate. He will sleep a lot of it then.

All the best, and I would be interested to know where this pup came from and the outcome of his treatment if you wish to email me.

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