仲有少少present/past participle

2010-12-28 7:16 pm
she is not very intersted in film.
this film isn't suitable for children.it's too frightening.
you've bought a new car?you must be very excited.


我想知past perfect tense/present perfect tense點用法

past p t 係咪講舊時完成左...但現在不知道?
present p t 係咪舊時到現在一直用緊?


最後想問多一問!!! 點解有時要用have been (verb+ing)....用present perfect tense就得不是嗎? 同埋幾時要加be,.....likely to be late.點解要加be?

回答 (3)

2010-12-28 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先, ed/ing 的分別:

ed 係用來形容人的感覺. Eg. I am interested in the film. <--佢的句子結構會有I/We/ You/ They/ He/ She(人)
ing 係用來形容件事 Eg. The film is so interesting. <-- 形容the film but not 人.

另外, past perfect tense/ present perfect tense 的分別,


1) Past perfect tense <-- 事件已經完成, 同present tense 可以話無關係.

a) 當你想形容件事發生在past tense 之前. Eg. She had finished work when she met her friends for coffee. <-- 她已經finished work, then met her friends.
b) 一件事在past完成, 結果係可看見in the past. Eg. He was happy. He had signed an important contract. (The action finished in the past and its result was visible in thepast, too.)

2) Present prefect tense

a) 舊時到現在一直用緊 Eg. Mary has had the dog for three years.
b) time is not important, action is important Eg. The Taylors have bought a sailing boat.

如果你見到 have been + ing = present perfect tense

likely to be late <-- late 是形容詞 所以要加be在前面.

Hope that I can help you.
參考: me, Grammarway4
2010-12-28 10:48 pm
In the 3 examples, "interested", "frightening", and "excited" are not participles; they are adjectives that look like participles.
See a list in http://www.langust.ru/unit_co/unit023c.shtmly

Present participles are placed after auxiliary verb-to-be's (is, am, are, was, were, be) to be the verb for the "continuous tense", e.g.: The lumberjacks are cutting a tree.
When a present participle does not follow a verb-to-be, it is not functioning as a verb, but a verbal, for example: Cutting a tree, the lumberjacks ignored the heavy rain.

Many verb + ing are not used as participles, but gerunds, which is another form of verbal, functioning as a noun or noun phrase, e.g.The lumberjacks are tired after cutting a tree.

Past participles are placed after auxiliary verb-to-be's to become the "passive voice", for example: He was fired by his boss.

Past participles are also placed after auxiliary verb-to-haves's (have, has, had) to become the "perfect tense", e.g. The boss had fired him.

When a past participle does not follow a verb-to-be or verb-to-have, it is not functioning as a verb, but a verbal (functioning as adjective), e.g. Fired from the job, he is worried.

Present perfect tense describes an action which has been completed between a time in the past and now. e.g. He has tried to stop gambling.

Present perfect continous tense describes an action which has been continuing from a time in the past, to now, and is still happening, e.g. He has been trying to stop gambling.

Past perfect tense describes an action which occued between a time in the past to another time in the past, e.g. He had tried to stop gambling for several months last year.

Finally, "to be" is the infinitive of the auxiliary verb-to-be. Infinitive = to + verb, e.g. He is likely to arrive late. When the auxiliary verb is used as the verb in an infinitive, it becomes "to be", e.g. He is likely to be late.

參考: my past learning
2010-12-28 10:03 pm
she is not very intersted in film. =形容人的感受,加ed
It is an interesting film =形容事物, 加ing

Following are some more examples about ing /ed.

this film isn't suitable for children.it's too frightening.
The children are so frightened after seeing the frightening film.

you've bought a new car?you must be very excited.
It is an exciting film / story.

past p t 係咪講舊時完成左...但現在不知道?
I had finished my homework, when I called Mary yesterday.
I had finished my homeword before I called Mary yesterday/.

p t 係咪舊時到現在一直用緊?
I have just finished my homework before I call Mary.
After I have finished my homewor, I call Mary
I have finished my homework.
I have had my breakfast.

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