
2010-12-28 6:15 pm
puts a negative spin on

Luca is still predisposed favourably towardsour beloved Guerlain
a good teacher predisposes children to learn

回答 (3)

2010-12-28 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Plainsfolks : are people that live in th plains (e.g : the mongolian tribesmen)
[By diction] : Plainsfolks are traditional british folks that lead a medieval lifes in the woods. (e.g : Robin Hood)2) Heavy-handed : clumsy, insensitive, forceful in handling
When you're heavy handed on someone, you're usually said to treat the person without mercy.3) Puts a negative spin on : to have a bad effect on something.
[By diction] : if a spin off is a diversification from a primary; putting a negative spin on something can be understood as having a ill and diverse effects on the primary.*Woo.. you're real heavy handed in asking question, you know that? Predispose : it's characteristic of a person. 4) Luca is still predisposed favourably towards our beloved Guerlain.
Can be read as : Luca is still having the same good old feeling towards our beloved Guerlain.5) A good teacher predisposes children to learn.
Can be read as : A good teacher will act as good role model for children to learn.
If a teacher is said to be good, he/she must have shown good predisposition so that the children can learn from. *errhmm, I'm a little speechless. One tough 15 points! And.. I'm not even sure I'm gonna get it.Formal and informal langaugeAn English language at its highest standard, must be gramatically correct, coherent, free of : euphemisms, jargon, slang, contraction, internet-lingo, street talk, raps, etc. Then, it can be termed as formal. It's written/spoken with the
strictest of grammar rules, and only few are able to do so today. Incidentally, the Queen of England has the privileges to change any word to a formal one (*overnight) but that's only if she speaks and agree upon. Otherwise, we as civil servants and commoners of her highness, shall obey the laws and keep our silence until permission is granted.*(lol) that's informal.
& G'day!
2010-12-29 1:15 am
1) plainsfolks: 是平民,不是住在平原的人,古代帝王或地主會在山上建堡壘,農民或平民只會住城外的平原上,所以得名,今天可能要譯做「泥民百姓」的意思。

2010-12-28 8:00 pm



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