
2010-12-28 8:35 am
本人打算三月去愛爾蘭探朋友同係佢度住2 weeks. (我兩年前曾去愛爾蘭做交換生)

但我特區護照 expired day 係5月11曰. 1.)我係英國轉機,愛爾蘭入境 (我而加無業,會晤會唔俾我入境?同我特區護照 5月過期會否不能入境?


回答 (4)

2010-12-30 4:10 am
so I will have to show them I have money ? would it be better if I show them my friends cell number and address that I am going to stay with too?
2010-12-29 4:32 pm
1=renew ur passport

2=prove u have enough to support during ur stay,,,,,DONT never mention ur out of work !!! I knew someone been sent back liked ur situation in Dublin.

2010-12-30 09:31:59 補充:
show them only if demands ...the address where u stay and with at least e 1000 plus credit card should be satisfy them.
2010-12-29 12:15 am
1.)我係英國轉機,愛爾蘭入境 (我而加無業,會晤會唔俾我入境?同我特區護照 5月過期會否不能入境?

唔會因為無業,而俾你入境~但就會因為你passport個expired day唔夠6個月唔俾你入~~因為怕你過左期又唔番去係佢地個country逗留~
參考: me~
2010-12-28 6:41 pm
1. 我係英國轉機,愛爾蘭入境,我而加無業,會晤會唔俾我入境?
2. 同我特區護照 5月過期會否不能入境?

參考: 係英國讀書

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