Should I put my chorus teacher for a college recommendation letter?

2010-12-28 5:55 am
I'm a senior in high school, taking the big step - college applications. My question is, would it be a bad idea to have my high school chorus teacher write me a recommendation letter? I'm a "favorite" in the class, help to aid in directing/playing piano if a substitute is there, and I know he considers me to be in a leadership position within the class, so he could write an excellent recommendation. However, i'm planning to major in biology, to go on to my dream of being a veterinarian. Would it be to my best interest to get a recommendation from a more strictly-academic teacher? Like math english or foreign language? Thanks so much for any help, i'm ready for these stressful applications to end! haha

回答 (2)

2010-12-28 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
An outstanding recommendation (oolala is the most brilliant student whom I have taught in five years) from the chorus teacher would be better than a "good" letter from a math, English or language teacher.
2010-12-28 2:17 pm
This depends on the schools you're applying to - the Ivy League and most top schools prefer at least two recommendations from academic subjects. In this case, it sounds like the chorus teacher would be an excellent third recommendation. If you are applying to a competitive school I would not use him as a primary recommendation - he likely knows nothing of your writing skills, your academic drive/motivation, and cannot academically rank you versus your classmates. Schools will wonder why, if you're so wonderful, you cannot get a good recommendation from an academic subject teacher. However, the fact that he'll likely be addressing some of your other qualities means that you should definitely use his recommendation as a third submission if possible.

For your safety schools or for less competitive schools the recommendation would probably be fine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 16:25:56
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