
2010-12-28 2:47 am
1. my first Christmas not staying in Hong Kong
2. your introduction and advice is nice (用 'is' 定'are'?)

回答 (6)

2010-12-28 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 錯
I did not stay in Hong Kong for my first Christmas.
如果你意思是你出生的第一個聖誕不是在香港過的。例如你是在外過出世。由於你的first christmas必定是以前的事,所以一定是past tense造句。這原句不單文法錯(沒有verb),句子意思有點怪。

2. Your introduction and advice are XXXX.
用are因為introuction和advice是兩樣東西,英文文法很守規則的a and b就必定當是兩件東西的眾數,無論你認為他們是否同時同地或同等出現。
xxxx用nice有點不妥,因為introduction(序言/前言)和advice(意見/建議)不會用nice(良好/漂亮/美好)這些形容人性格的詞。可以用good, well presented, coherent, useful...
2010-12-28 7:54 pm


2010-12-28 4:38 pm

my first Christmas not staying in Hong Kong.
I didn't stay in Hong Kong for my first Christmas.

your introduction and advice is nice.
your introduction and advice are nice. 因為有兩樣野。
2010-12-28 6:39 am
1) This is the first Christmas I do not stay in Hongkong.


I do not stay in Hongkong for the first time during Christmas.

2) Your introduction and advice are nice.
2010-12-28 5:59 am
1. 錯
改正:My first Christmas is not staying in Hong Kong.
2. 錯
2010-12-28 5:44 am
1) It is my first Christmas that I'm away from Hong Kong.
2) Your introduction and advice are nice.
* plural "are" is used b'coz introduction+advice = 2 nouns

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