
2010-12-28 1:19 am
My teacher gave me this funny poem, which is based on a traditional nursery rhyme.

Mary had a little lamb
Mary had a little lamb,
A lobster, and some prunes,
A glass of milk, a piece of pie,
And then some macaroons.
It made the busy waiters grin,
To see her order so,
And when they carried Mary out,
Her face was white as show.

1. Mary ate the lamb and other food items mentioned in the poem
True or False?
2. The waiters were busy because there were lots of costumers in the restaurant.
True or False?

回答 (4)

2010-12-28 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是玩文字玩意,傳統上mary had a little lamb的意思是mary「擁有」一隻小羊,但had/have同時可以是解「食了」,所以這詩是描述mary食了一隻小羊(全隻羊),一隻龍蝦,一些梅,一杯奶,一件餅和一些蛋白杏仁餅干;由於她叫了這麼多食物,令那些侍應忙得團團轉;最後走的時候mary要由人抬出去(因為飽到行不動),而且面青青(白)。

2010-12-28 11:28 pm
I know where these questions come from :)

1 is true because if Mary 'had' the food it means she ate them

2 is false because they poem said nothing about the waiters being busy.

2010-12-28 15:46:34 補充:
Just because they carried her out does not mean they are busy :P
2010-12-28 7:55 pm


2010-12-28 3:06 am
1. True
2. False, because the waiters are busy because Mary had order many food!

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