Guys, is this annoying in a girl? I need your help..?

2010-12-27 12:00 am
Okay so I really like this guy, and I know for a fact he likes me back. He told me. I am going through a hard time right now and I feel depressed and like the only person that can help me is him. When i am talking to him i feel like nothings wrong. When im not i feel so depressed. He doesnt know i feel this way though.. I want to text him but i hate texting him first. I always feel, i dont know.. Um annoying? I got dumped before because i texted my ex once every two days. So now i feel like by talking to him he wont like me? Sorry if i sound confusing, what should i do? I dont want to be depressed by not speaking to him, but i dont want to be more depressed if he stops liking me. Help?

回答 (4)

2010-12-27 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you talk to him you'll show interest and I think that'd be cute. ^^
2010-12-27 12:07 am
You should make your own happiness first of all. What happens if you lose contact? Then what?

Every single guy is different. But my now fiance, when we first met we had an attraction, he called me the next day and we texted 24/7. I think we racked up 12,000 texts a month? But because we could talk without it getting boring (They weren't texts like "whats up" "nothin u" "nothin") he fell for me in a matter of weeks and we've been living happily ever after since! If I don't text him every second he actually gets upset, and so do I!

I have met couples though who hate talking all the time, and get annoyed.

It's just how you two are as individuals.

Good luck!
2010-12-27 12:06 am
if he likes you then he likes you and no amount of texts you send will be annoying --- i would love to get texts from the lady i love but its not going to happen so its over as far as im concerned ---- text him when you feel like it
2010-12-27 12:49 am
If he likes you, texting him will not make him stop liking you. Unless maybe you get all creepy and stalkerish.
text him if you want to.

wait, some guy dumped you because you texted him once every 2 days?
If that's true, that was an excuse he used, not the actual reason.

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