(f.2)reporting statements一問!!!

2010-12-27 12:01 am
'i will buy you a apple,' Sam told Jenny.
Sam told Jenny that he would bought her a apple.


回答 (2)

2011-01-03 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sam told Jenny that he would buy her an apple. - correct.

would後面既動詞唔洗轉過去式,用 base form of the verb, 不是用 bought, buys, buying.

shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might 這幾個字後面既動詞,都是用 base form of the verb.
shall go, should go,......may go, might go.

an apple,不是 a apple, a 字頭字用 an,不是用 a.

例如: an ass, an atlas, an ant, an animal, an arrow
2010-12-27 6:10 am
In my point of view, "Sam told Jenny that he would buy her an apple." is the correct one.

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