new year's resolutions

2010-12-25 8:20 pm
new year's resolutions作文
I am f.1 student

150 words thx~

回答 (2)

2011-01-04 7:45 pm
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Now I am f.1 student, my English is not very good.
One of my new year's resolutions is improving my Engish. English is one of important subjects.If my English is not very good, after finishing the Secondary School education, I cannot further my studies in university.
So next year I must study harder than before.
I must finish reading a English story book in a week.
During English lessons, I shall pay more attention to what my teacher says.

2011-01-08 15:24:25 補充:
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a English story book ------->不正確


an English story book ------->正 確
2010-12-25 8:42 pm
Would you mind giving me a general concept as to what new year's resolutions? A goal in the future? Buying a car? etc etc... Thanks =)

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