equation of circle

2010-12-24 10:01 pm
please help me to solve this question

It is given that AB is a chord of the circle S:(x-a)^2+(y-a)^2 = 5 . If the equation of AB is x+3y-11=0 and M(3.5,2.5) is the mid-point of AB, find the value of a

please show the step

回答 (2)

2010-12-25 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

We may tackle the question as follows:

Step 1: Construct a useful quadratic equation

Rewrite x + 3y - 11 = 0 as x = 11 - 3y first.

Substitute x = 11 - 3y into the circle equation to form a quadratic equation in y ( the two roots are the y-coordinates of the two intersection points between the chord and the circle itself )

[ ( 11 - 3y ) - a ]^2 + ( y - a )^2 = 5
[ ( 11 - a ) - 3y ]^2 + ( y - a )^2 = 5
( 11 - a )^2 - 6( 11 - a )y + 9y^2 + ( y^2 - 2ay + a^2 ) = 5
( 121 - 22a + a^2 ) - 6( 11 - 3a )y + 9y^2 + ( y^2 - 2ay + a^2 ) = 5
10y^2 + ( 4a - 66 )y + ( 116 - 22a + 2a^2 ) = 0 ---- (*)

Step 2: Use the coordinate of their intersection point to find "a"

There is no need to solve it directly for it involves "a".
We can consider finding the necessary coordinate by using the sum and product of roots which we explore in S.4.:

As M( 3.5, 2.5 ) is the midpoint of two intersection points AB,
Sum of two y-coordinates of A and B = 2( y-coordinate of M )
-( 4a - 66 )/10 = 2( 2.5 )
66 - 4a = 10( 5 ) = 50
4a = 16
a = 4

Such "a" can further tell you the coordinate of centres and you can also solve the two intersection points easily by using (*) above. All depend on whether the question has asked or not.

Hope I have helped you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2010-12-24 10:52 pm
翻雷滾天 風卷殘雲 ,你太心急了.

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