
2010-12-24 8:41 am
(V) The vibrating string also sets the neighbouring air into vibration. State two differences between the waves on the string and those in air.

The waves on the string are _______________________ waves. And the waves ____________________________________ waves. They have different ___________________________________ but __________________________________.

(a) State the kind of wave generated on the string (transverse or longitudinal, travelling or stationary).
It is a _______________________________ wave.
(b) Find the wavelenth of the wave.

(c) Describe the motions of paricles P and Q at a period later.

At a quarter of a period later, particles P moves ___________________ and particles Q moves ____________________.

回答 (1)

2010-12-24 6:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The waves on the string are ___transverse__ waves. And the waves in air are __longitudinal___ waves. They have different velocities_ but __same frequency_.

(a) State the kind of wave generated on the string (transverse or longitudinal, travelling or stationary).
It is a __transverse stationary__ wave.

For the rest of the questions, I suppose there should be a diagram given. From which you could find out the answers.

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