2010-12-24 8:00 am

回答 (2)

2010-12-26 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
No it is not metal displacement because usually the metal displacement is metal natrite/sulfate/cloride whatever + the other mwtal equals to the other metal's nitrate/ sulfate/ cloride pr whatever this is metal displacement. A metal displacement usually occurs when a metal is diped in chemicals the reactivity of the metal that dipped inside the chemical is higher then the reactivity of the metal ions in the chemical so it displaced the metal ion and the metal ions will form the solid of the ion.
e.g cuso4(a.q)+ Fe(s) = Feso4(a.q) + Cu(s)
e.g Ag(no2)3 + zn(s)= zn(no2)3(aq) + Ag(s)

Refering to you question number two the ions changed because of the reactivity of the ions. For your example of calcium cloride and siver nitrate the reactivity of calcium is higher than silver so the ions have changed to calcium nitrate and siver chloride.

for another example

Ag(no2)3 (aq)+ NaCl(aq)= Na(NO2)3(aq)+ AgCl(s)

in the experiment in the labortory you can see that the Salt water poured in the Ag(no2)3(aq) you can see the precipitation of AgCl(s) .

In your ezample, if it is done in the laborotory you can see the silver chloride precipitate in the bottom of the beaker and the precipitation is white.
This chemical reaction is called precipitation.

Hope my information can help you.
參考: myself and also my teacher, Oxford IGCSE chemistry
2010-12-24 10:42 am
no, not metal displacement.

metal displacement is a redox reaction, with one of the metals as element, another as ion.
like: silver nitrate + calcium ----> silver + calcium nitrate
2AgNO3 + Ca ------> Ca(NO3)2 + 2Ag

but in your case, both metals are ions (in highest oxidation states). no redox reactions can occur.

therefore, it's just simple precipitation reasction:
calcium chloirde, silver nitrate and calcium nitrate are soluble in water -- can exist as free mobile ions.
but silver chloride is insoluble. once mobile chloride ion meets mobile silver ion, they immediately combine to give insoluble silver chloride, forming precipitate.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 23:45:31
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