
2010-12-24 1:00 am
我想問:May i be your friend應該點答a?如果答:yes,i would love to be your friend咁得唔得a?OR yes,i would love to Thankyou.

但係may唔係解可能咩,咁成句係咩意思a? thanks :]


鬆了一口氣★DREAMOH 唔係a,我打Thank you係for呢條問題架,sorry ^^" 我想話或者yes,i would love to



回答 (5)

2010-12-24 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
If u ans: I would love to be yr fd" - it is very weird!! Normally, people say "Yes, of course, I would like to be your friend"

Why?? you say " I would love to Thank you??", it should be...
"I would like to thank you for ...(e.g: this occasion)"

In English, "May" is a polite. for e.g: May I open the door?? VS Can I open the door?? The sentence with may is more polite.

If u still have any ?, e-mail me =]
參考: me
2010-12-25 1:05 am


2010-12-24 8:19 am
lokinson 個答案直頭係100分啦 !
For examples,
Ask: Have you....
Ans: Yes I have....
Yes I did... => 明白, 但考試時是錯的 !

Ask: Where is the toilet ?
Ans: The toilet is....
That is.... => 明白, 但考試時是錯的 !

2010-12-24 00:22:50 補充:
Sorry 修正lokinson 個答案囉5到100分.
因為串錯字 ! 呱~呱~
2010-12-24 2:39 am
Answer: Yes, I would love to be your friend. Thank you for asking.
2010-12-24 1:22 am
應該答:yes, you may be my friend
or: yes,of crous you may

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