Legal Age of ... in HK

2010-12-22 7:57 pm
May I know what would the legal age of:

Working part time (any kind)
Living alone (Renting a "shelter")

be in Hong Kong as of currently?

I have heard it was 16 or 18...but I ain't too sure for exact. Thanks for taking your precious time.

Oh and if possible, may I know does reaching the age of 16 have any (ostensible) significance of independence or anything in law?

回答 (2)

2010-12-22 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The legal age to work in Hong Kong is 18 years and above. However, you are permitted to employ children and young persons aged 13 years - 17 years but there are restrictions on the type of work that children and young persons can perform. Children under the age of 15 would need to have their parents / guardians’ consent before taking up employment (well actually it is the employer that needs to have the consent).2. There is no law governing the age of living alone or renting a place of abode. However, most landlords would shy away from renting a place to youngsters for fear they would not be able to pay rent on time, or that they would abscond after a short period of tenancy, or that they would trash the place.3. Well if you are a girl then you can have normal sex with a man upon reaching 16 without the man being accused of “under-age sex”. Otherwise most “legal” things in HK would require reaching 18.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2010-12-22 10:15 pm

第47章 學徒制度條例
“青年”(young person) 指年滿14歲但未滿19歲的人,或由行政長官根據第44條決定的其他歲數的人; (由2000年第54號第3條修訂)$FILE/CAP_57C_c_b5.pdf
第57C章 僱用青年(工業)規例

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