Never Would Have Made It 點解

2010-12-22 6:09 pm
如題,Never Would Have Made It 點解

回答 (3)

2010-12-22 8:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In response to the question, I would give you a general concept or usage of that phrase. But I would say that phrase only is rather spacious and generalized, which can be used in various junctures or conditions.

Never Would Have Made It. In general cases, it means a subject (whatever it is) would never have achieved its expected target/destination.

This phrase implies a sense of pessimism and despair/hopelessness in tonality.


Person A: I swear to myself that I would be the best musician in the world

- After some time has passed since -

Person A: After all I am still a amateur...I guess at the very beginning I never would have made it anyway... (it here stands for the goal or expectation he has established)

I ain't sure if it's a good example, but I reckon it clearly indicates the pessimistic/depressing tonality when the phrase is used. It implies the fact that even if one put forth every effort he possibly could into something, he still would not be able to achieve his goal.

Other Meaning of this phrase is, just as the phrase itself says, used when one sighs for his stupidity or such, and says "I never would have made it if it fails" <-- something along this line.

Hope this answer helps ^.^

2010-12-22 11:24 pm
Here are 3 possible explanation to this simple clause.

1) John never would have made it without Mary.
same as: Mary helps John to make it.

2) John never would have made it, when is Mary around.
same as : Mary (presence) makes John fail.

3) John never would have made it, when Mary isn't around (double negative)
same as: Mary (absence) make John fail.

"never would have made it" is a dependant clause.
It rely on Mary (object) to make the sentence complete and meaningful.

2010-12-22 10:21 pm
Never Would Have Made It

呢個係一個假設句,意思係: "如果去做, [一定唔會成功]"。

"It's a good thing he didn't try to become a doctor; he never would have made it."
參考: my past learning

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