How many times do men cry?

2010-12-21 5:17 pm
I would like to know how many time do men cry , like being emotional enough to have wet eyes, in an year or month. Would appreciate answers from men.

回答 (8)

2010-12-21 5:38 pm
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every man has cried but i think that the most powerful thing to make him do is: Oppression.If a man cries for a woman i won't call him one.
for me the last time i cried was 13 and i felt so weak but it's relieving
參考: fahd
2010-12-21 10:07 pm
It's more of a cultural question because men from different cultural background react differently to emotional issues that makes one cry. On a general note men are taught not to cry while women are encouraged to cry possibly to have their way. So depending on who raised the man- the Daddy or the Mummy will eventually determin how much the particular man cries.
Finally men cry when they encounter the mysterious and spiritual realities, The shortest verse in the bible is "Jesus wept"
參考: anthropology, The Holy Bible, and What life has thaught me.
2010-12-21 5:24 pm
That totally depends on the man.
2010-12-21 5:20 pm
I am 30 and I dont remember crying. wait there was on time back when I was around 13 and was taking a beating from 3 guys surrounded by a group. I was crying not because of pain but because I was furious that the best course of action was to just defend myself and not fight back.

Other than that I dont remember ever crying.
2010-12-21 5:18 pm
well, my father cries a lot, it depends on the type of guy you are around and what has gone on in his life. There really is no set answer.
參考: Family Issues
2010-12-21 5:18 pm
probably only when a family member dies
2010-12-21 5:18 pm
Depends on the person.
2010-12-21 5:19 pm
I have had tears only a couple of times since puberty. To cry is to be less than a man, and from what I have observed, even women who say they want a man in touch with his feelings despise a weak man who cries.

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