Uni in uk or hk

2010-12-22 7:52 am
I am currently studying in the uk for Alevel. However, I don't have a good Alevel results. I have two choices.

A: Stay in England. I can do a professional course which can allow me to have a better future. But my parents need to burrow a large sum of money from the bank to pay my school fees. They have already worked for many years, but they will no savings left after my graduation, and also own the bank a large sum of money. My parents do also have some illness as well.....

B: Back to HK. Money is saved. But I can't go to some good universities, and do some good course, and hence may not have a good future.
If you were me, what would you do? I hope to have some serious answers, as it will be affecting my life~ Thank you so much.

I know I definitely can't go to the top 30's uni in the uk.However, I can do a profession there, forensic science, which is not offered in any hk uni.


What if I am applying to the Scottish universities? There is only one uni doing forensic science, so less competitive, and also they have a quite high reputation in this course,although their ranking is about 45 among the uk uni


surely, some HK uni will acccept my application, but that will only be poly U, City U and onwards.......

回答 (1)

2010-12-23 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
how do you know that you may have a better future if you stay in UK?

1. can you go into a good university in UK? top 30? top 20 or top 10 university?
if you are going to some rubbish uni, i would suggest you to come back to HK.

2. since i dont have your a-level result, but uk a-level is much easier than HK, you will have well advantage to apply HK uni. but it depends on which course you would like to apply.

if i were you, firstly, apply UK top 30 uni and HK uni as well.
-> if you dont have any offer from those UK uni, pls consider to come back to HK

since below 30s UK uni is not worth to pay such a high school fee!! unless NO HK uni accept your application.

2010-12-23 13:58:11 補充:
since i thought you are going to apply some common course, i suggested to apply top30s.
have you checked the ranking according to the specific course?
Scottish universities is good, some scottish uni have very good reputation but low ranking.

2010-12-23 13:58:20 補充:
however, you have to check the entry requirement of those scottish uni, maybe you can apply for year2 (that would be easier to get an offer, but it doesnt mean you can graduate easily). that would be a good try.

2010-12-23 13:58:24 補充:
if you cannot afford the school fee, you may apply for the scholar, or apply for US or AUS uni.

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