if i were改句

2010-12-22 2:56 am
1.If I ____________in a big house,I _____________a swimming pool in my room.(live/build)

2.If I____________a pair of wings,I______________to different places every day.(have/fly)

回答 (4)

2010-12-22 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
If I ____lived________in a big house,I _would build____________a swimming pool in my room.(live/build)

If I____had________a pair of wings,I______would fly________to different places every day.(have/fly)

2010-12-22 15:16:35 補充:
002 and 005 are wrong.

2010-12-22 15:21:06 補充:
If I had one million,I would travel around the world.

2010-12-22 15:22:40 補充:
To 002 and 005:
Do not mislead the citizens
2010-12-22 6:03 pm
1. If I live in a big house, I will build a swimming pool in my room.
2. If I have a pair of wings, I will fly to different places everyday.

由於 If I ..., I will ... 是一個假設性的句子,所以我們要使用現在式(present tense) ,不會使用過去式(past tense),因為這件事還沒有發生,所以不會用過去式。
2010-12-22 4:42 am
講一d現在 or 將來, 有可能發生既事 句式係 if clause 用 present tense, main clause 用 future tense

1.If I live in a big house,I I will built a swimming poolin my room.

講一d唔實在既, 假設性問題.句式係 if clause 用 past tense, main clause用 conditional (would) 2.If I had a pair of wings,I would fly to different places every day.

2010-12-21 20:47:23 補充:
If I were a girl, I would wear a dress.
2010-12-22 3:51 am
1.If I live in a big house,I will build a swimming pool in my room.(live/build)

2.If I have a pair of wings, I will fly to different places every day.(have/fly)
參考: me

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