
2010-12-21 10:52 pm

Thank you!

回答 (4)

2010-12-22 6:35 am
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If your love is fruitlessness, you can only have regret even you find the one you love most in your life.


2010-12-22 10:12:18 補充:

If your love pitifully turns out to be fruitless, you can only have regret even you find the one you love most in your life.
2010-12-22 3:46 am
Although I have found the one that I loved most in my life, there is no fate between us and there is only despair left.

2010-12-21 19:47:52 補充:
*There is some mistake... it should be.

Although I have found the one that I loved most in my life, there is no fate between us and there is only a feeling of regret in me.
參考: me, me
2010-12-21 11:05 pm
Even find love in your life,
unfortunately there is no copy,
leaving a margin of only regret.
2010-12-21 10:57 pm
Even find life love, but never meant to be and leave only regret

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