passive voice(1question only!)

2010-12-21 3:36 am
What is the passive voice of
"They fear that the missing child is already dead"?

回答 (4)

2010-12-22 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
both are okay:

1) It is feared that the missing child is already dead.

2) The missing child is feared to have been already dead.

2010-12-21 17:00:47 補充:
將active voice 轉做passive voice 既時候,

就好似第1位回答者: dead 不能夠轉做death.

2010-12-21 17:07:15 補充:
而 That the missing child is already dead is feared by them. 呢句:


原意是They fear that [the missing child is already dead].
[the missing child is already dead] 是一件事情.

而你的句子表達:they fear that [the missing child] is already dead.
對像不是the missing child, 而是the missing child is dead 整件事情
參考: english teacher
2010-12-21 7:59 pm
They fear that the missing child is already dead
sbuject :they

object: that the missing child is already dead

verb : fear

tense: present tense

so, That the missing child is already dead is feared by them.
2010-12-21 12:21 pm
The missing child, whom they fear, is already dead.
2010-12-21 11:46 am
The missing child's death has been feared by them.


The missing child's death was feared by them.

2010-12-22 02:24:17 補充:
Yes, 005 is correct. Thanks for reminding, "they" is the subject which should be changed from tangible to intangible in passive-voiced sentence.

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