請幫我改正超簡短的英文句子/訊息 (不會花您很多時間)

2010-12-21 5:59 am
Excuse me, I want to ask two questions about my benefit..

1. 請問我的雙糧在試用期過後今年會否補發?
How about my double pay will distribute before the end of the year?

2. 我願意支付1000元違約金去申請公司的職員XX計畫
I want to apply the staff XX plan and willing to pay $1000 late fee

回答 (4)

2010-12-21 1:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Welfare多半是用在社會福利方面,如失業救濟金等.我想你指的福利應該是公司的工作福利吧?如果是, benefit是對的.
1. 不好意思,我想請問兩個問題關於我可享用之福利..
(Hi, I have two questions regarding my benefit)

2. 請問我的雙糧在試用期過後今年會否補發?
First, about my double pay, will I get it after probation period by the end of this year?

3. 我願意支付1000元違約金去申請公司的職員XX計畫
I want to apply for the staff xx plan and I am willing to pay for $1000 penalty fee. (因為你中文是違約金, late fee是指逾期金或滯納金, 當然如果你公司政策裡已用late fee,那就用late fee)
參考: Self
2014-08-19 6:36 pm

2010-12-21 2:53 pm
Excuse me, I would like to ask two questions about my benefits..

1. 請問我的雙糧在試用期過後今年會否補發?
Could I know if my double pay will reissue or not after the probation this year ?

2. 我願意支付1000元違約金去申請公司的職員XX計畫
I am willing to pay $1000 liquidated damages in order to apply the staff XX plan.
參考: personal experience
2010-12-21 6:21 am
中文有別, 我已經潤飾內容:

Excuse me, I want to ask two questions about the welfare which I can have.

1. 請問我的雙糧在試用期過後今年會否補發?
Will I receive the double-pay after the probation this year?

2. 我願意支付1000元違約金去申請公司的職員XX計畫
I would like to pay $1000 for applying the XX project


2010-12-20 22:21:49 補充:


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