物理化學難題, 連老師都唔知 -.- 快幫忙~

2010-12-20 6:21 am
一種"特別物質" X 在4個溫度(T1-T4)下的P-V 圖如下:


P=Pressure V=Volume
1. 請確定及解釋 "?"平伏部分
2. 提出X是什麼

So far, 正係諗到T1係理想氣體圖
仲有可能同PV=nRT 個d有關 -.-

諗多陣,可能 "?" 是X的 凝結區域 因液體不壓縮原理 你地覺得點?

回答 (1)

2010-12-20 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The flat region marked "?" shows saturated vapour and liquid in equilibrium.

In this region, a reduction in volume doesn't increase the pressure as more vapour is condensed to become liquid. At the (left) end of this region, when all vapour has condensed to liquid, a reduction in volume causes a rapid increase in the pressure of liquid because liquid is almost imcompressible.

2. Many substances exhibit the property shown on the given P-V diagram. Water is an example.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:39:06
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