
2010-12-20 5:41 am

回答 (3)

2010-12-25 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I like your questions a lot, so I would like to share as follows:

1) The basic responsibilities of a teacher include:

a) prepare and conduct lessons,
b) undergo the adminstration duties like class teacher, school admission programme, guidance and counselling, functional team members / i/c, form coordinators, etc.
c) undergo ECA duties like interesting club i/c, camp / outdoor visit i/c, ballteam i/c, orchestra i/c, etc.
d) miscellaneous duties in Sports day, Swimming Gala, Speech Day, Open day, Post-exam. activities i/c, etc.

You can see those b), c) and d) are seldon considered or visioned by the students or parents. A teacher has a lot of stuffs to handle. It can be hardly described and counted.

2) A good teacher must possess the following characters:

a) good teaching performance,
b) good admin. skills,
c) responsible and diligent,
d) with drive and determination,
e) willing to bear addtional responsibilities,
f) good peer relationship,
g) willing to offer help after school,
h) good language proficiency,
i) good computer skills,
j) good leadership,
k) regular contact with parents, etc.

A good teacher must possess a lot of skills. The sights of students are clear: They can observe who are good, who are bad. Some are very willing to sacriface the own time for students, some bad guys simply aim at "Job done" and look for monthly salaries.

3) The students need to return school because:

a) to learn the knowledge,
b) to learn how to interact / communicate with other persons,
c) to learn how to respect others / be polite,
d) to learn how to lead, to guide, to create, etc.
e) to explore to the world,

In a school, the students not only learn the book content, but also the communication skills, development of interpersonal relationship, generic skills, leadership, creativity, sense of responsbility, sincere, politeness, etc. Can you acquire at home from parents or private tutor?

Can you understand the background of a good teacher more, or the role of a student in campus now?

Hope I can clarify your concerns.
參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2010-12-23 6:27 pm
傳授知識給學生, 指導學生在品格上做良好公民, 幫助學生.

老師自己要有科目應有知識標準, 要講解清楚, 知道怎樣去教, 用心改學生家庭作業, 提起學生對科目興趣, 要有耐性, 關心學生, 還要公平. 最差是無教學熱誠, 無責任感, 但求一份工, 看錢份上,為兩餐的老師.

要一個安靜地方工作, 學校有教學工具, 有實驗室, 健身房, 圖書館, 有其他的老師支持, 商討, 有校長領導

2010-12-20 5:50 am

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