
2010-12-20 4:12 am
我本身英文已經有一定水平(唔係beginner) 亦係香港既大學入面讀緊書

想係今年趁暑假既空檔 (6月頭至8月尾) 去美國學好D英文 主要希望有....
1. 改善口音既訓練
2. 日常口語既交流
3. 有一D密集既訓練

但網上面資料實在太多 唔知道點樣去簡學校



同埋係邊一D學校入面既配套會好少少? (e.g. 多D機會接觸當地學生, 參加一D學生組織既活動, party, sports, etc.)

我唔想去到美國之後 好似係香港上英文堂咁讀英文

thx a lot!

回答 (2)

2011-01-01 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
i understand what you mean and what the problem most people faced.

student in HK could be very well in English but always leak the real experience and patrice.

i can only suggest you go over there find a summer progrem in community college ( because they charge less ), instead study ESL, Engish...etc.
you should choose other subject ( ex.: social study, managerment trainning, or other rare classes....etc ) why? because then you can contact the real English communication skill and style. the tech in those class not just teach, but it will have group study or field trip..... .

and hopefully you can also meet someone become friend and company you most of time. remember you don't need a lot of people to learn speaking English, one orn two already enough, right?

party, trip, hang out are out of school activties, you have to link yourself with the local.

*** you do know you need visa to go to America, right?

the money part, beside the air fare, the living ( $ 2000 USD / M ) and school ($900 pre credit, each course can be 1 or 2 credits ), you can take 1 and up to 6 credits max.

2010-12-31 21:29:04 補充:
everyone in the school here have to speak English, except if they are from HK or China.
so, as long you are not shy, you can learn English from all of them....^^
參考: live in US over 30 yrs
2010-12-20 7:57 am



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