letter format

2010-12-19 8:30 pm
I want to ask that in a thankyou letter shall we use "how are you? " or " how are you!"? is it there any different between using "?" or "!" ??
where I can get format of different letter?

回答 (2)

2010-12-19 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You should use ? after a thankyou letter because ? shows a more respectful and formal tone in the letter, you can use ! if the friend you are writing to is very close to you. If you write to people older than you you must use ?.

Format of letters can be obtained in dictionaries, encyclopedia (eg books, Wikipedia) and you can ak your teacher.

Hope these can help you !
Cheers! :)
參考: myself
2010-12-20 1:03 am
letter format

How are you? is correct.

?? or ??? = we need explanation or question about something.

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