
2010-12-18 8:50 am

2)想形容某處地方有些擠迫可唔可以用a bit crowd & 英文有冇甘講?


回答 (6)

2010-12-18 11:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) (You, He, She .... ) can stack up the four chairs.

2) The place is overcrowded.

There is no such word “crowdy” in most dictionaries, but it means porridge in some American dictionaries.

Stack up 整齊地堆起 (phrasal verb) something = to make things into a neat pile.

Overcrowded 過度擠擁 (adjective) = filled with too many people.

2010-12-18 03:32:11 補充:
You can't use the word "crowd". It is a noun or verb.

You can used "crowded". Crowded is an adjective.

2010-12-18 03:36:40 補充:
Sorry. Typo error:

You can use "crowded". Crowded is an adjective.

Replace "used" in the previous message with "use".
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2010-12-19 10:42 pm


2010-12-18 3:20 pm
1. stack up / pile up
2. crowded, cramped
2010-12-18 3:09 pm
You could say :
1) stack 4 chairs to 1 or just stack up these 4 chairs.
2) Is a bit/a little/quite crowded there or expect some crowd or going to be crowded.

small world with big crowd in HK.
2010-12-18 8:58 am
How about...

1) Stack the four chairs up in a line.

2) It's a bit crowdy here.
2010-12-18 8:53 am
Four chairs fold one

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