Can you check my translation?

2010-12-17 3:47 pm
I'm translating a Chinese contract into English.
Here is my translation. Can you help me to check it?
Since this is the first time I translate a legal document, so I may be lacking some legal terminology.
Thank you very much if you can help!


According to the Contract Law of the People Republic of China and related regulations, both parties should sign the contract on the vision that it would benefit both sides.

I The name, model, quantity and the price of the products should be correspondent to the quotation sheet in the contract. (reference no. )
If the buyer has pre-ordered the product, the model and specification should be
conformed with confirmation list confirmed by both parties.

II Price of the products: 人民币 零佰 零拾 柒万 陆仟 玖佰 陆拾 零元 零角 零分;
i.e. RMB: 76960.00 Yuan. If these two figures do not match, only the figure written in Chinese form is considered to be the official figure.

III Terms of payment
1. The advanced payment is 38480 Yuan. The buyer should pay the seller within
three days once this contract is signed, before the shipment of the products by
the seller. If the buyer does not make the advanced payment within three days, then the seller may delay the shipment without undertaking any legal obligations and liabilities. If the advanced payment is not made by the buyer more than 30 days after this contract is signed, the seller may cancel the contract unilaterally, and the seller may request a penalty of 20% of the total contract amount from the buyer.
2. Arrival fee _0_ Yuan. The buyer should pay this amount on the date in which
the products are received at the destination.
3. The remaining payment 103015 Yuan. The buyer should make the remaining
payment within 15 days after acceptance and receiving the products . The seller would issue an invoice to the buyer at the same time.
4. The tranfer of ownership of cargo would take effect once the total amount of payment is paid by the buyer.
5. If the buyer cannot make full acceptance of the products, the acceptance portion should be paid according to the price listed on the contract.
6. The difference between the invoice amount and the actual trading amount is 0.20 Yuan (either above or below). The buyer is willing to pay the difference.

回答 (3)

2016-12-02 12:48 pm
Los primeros aviones fueron frágiles y no confiables. Fueron muy pequeños y no podían volar lejos. Luego los aviones fueron de mejor estructura y fueron más seguros. Los hermanos Wright volaron el primer avion (= aeroplano). Los aviones de reacción modernos son muy confiables. Estos viajan rápido y tienen pocos accidentes. Los aviones ahora pueden llevar a mucha gente y volar dondequiera en el mundo. Los aviones del futuro podrán viajar más lejos por un bajo precio. Viajarán más rápido que nunc antes y estarán disponibles para más gente. Más gente comprará su propio aeroplano very own.
2010-12-17 4:52 pm
In accordance with the Contract Law of the Peoples' Republic of China and with related regulations, both parties shall sign the contract on the understanding that the contract shall be of benefit to both parties.
I The description, model, quantity and price of the products shall correspond with the quotation sheet that forms part of the contract. (Reference no. ---)
If the buyer has placed an order for the products, the model and specification shall conform with the confirmation list as agreed to by both parties.
II Price of the products: [Chinese script here.] i.e. RMB: 76960.00 Yuan. If these two figures do not correspond, the figure that is written in Chinese script shall be considered to be the determining figure.
III Terms of payment
1. The first payment shall be 38480 Yuan. The buyer shall pay this amount to the seller not more than three (3) days following the signing of this contract, and in any case before despatch of the products by the seller. If the buyer fails to make the first payment within the specified three (3) days, the seller may delay despatch of the products without incurring any form of legal liability or obligation. If the buyer fails to make the first payment within thirty (30) days following the signing of this contract, the seller may, at his discretion, cancel the contract unilaterally, and the seller may, at his discretion, request a penalty payment, from the buyer, of twenty (20) per cent of the total contract amount.
2. Delivery fee _0_ Yuan. The buyer shall pay this amount on the date on which the products are received at the stated delivery address.
3. The final payment is 103015 Yuan. The buyer shall make the final payment not more than fifteen (15) days following delivery and acceptance of the products. The seller shall, at the same time, issue an invoice to the buyer.
4. Ownership of the products shall remain solely with the seller until the final payment is received by the seller.
5. If the buyer is unable to accept the products in their entirety, the proportion of the products that is accepted by the buyer shall be paid for in accordance with the agreed contract price.
6. The difference between the invoice amount and the actual trading amount is 0.20 Yuan (either above or below that figure). The buyer accepts liability to pay the difference.
2010-12-17 4:06 pm
The Law of Contract of the People Republic of China and associated regulations require that both parties should sign the contract on the understanding that it is of mutual benefit.

I The name, model, quantity and the price of the products should correspond to the quotation sheet in the contract. (reference no. )
If the buyer has pre-ordered the product, the model and specification should
conform to the confirmation list as confirmed by both parties.

II Price of the products: 人民币 零佰 零拾 柒万 陆仟 玖佰 陆拾 零元 零角 零分;
i.e. RMB: 76960.00 Yuan. Where there is a discrepancy between these two figures do not match, only the figure written in Chinese form shall be regarded as the official figure.

III Terms of payment
1. The advance payment is 38480 Yuan. The buyer should pay the seller within
three days once this contract is signed, before the shipment of the products by
the seller. If the buyer fails to make the advanced payment within three days, then the seller may delay the shipment without incurring any legal obligations and liabilities. Should the advanced payment not be made by the buyer more than 30 days after this contract is signed, the seller may cancel the contract unilaterally, and the seller may request a penalty of 20% of the total contract amount from the buyer.
2. Arrival fee _0_ Yuan. The buyer shall pay this amount on the date in which
the products are received at the destination.
3. The remaining payment 103015 Yuan. The buyer shall make the remaining
payment within 15 days after acceptance and delivery of the products . The seller shall issue an invoice to the buyer at the same time.
4. The tranfer of ownership of the cargo shall take effect once the total amount of payment is paid by the buyer.
5. If the buyer cannot accept the products in full, the portion accepted shall be paid for according to the price listed on the contract.
6. The difference between the invoiced amount and the actual trading amount is 0.20 Yuan (either above or below). The buyer shall undertake to pay the difference.

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