334 中國文學書

2010-12-18 6:29 am
本人是 334 學生 , 我選擇了中國歷史和歷史 , 因學校沒中國文學科可選 , 因此我想自修此科 .

我想問新高中那本書才合適中四至中六學生的 , 總共有多少冊 ? 請列出名稱 .

有什麼參考書可以參看一下 ?

謝 !

回答 (3)

2010-12-30 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案

2011-01-05 17:24:29 補充:
2010-12-28 8:43 pm
there arethousand of thousands of books you can use. go find it from nearby libaery and / or book store.

i came to US when i was in F3, i start interested in Chinese lectures and history after i live in here and by visiting all the Chinese book stores in Chinatwon all the time. ( why? because i felt lonely and boring in that time lor. )

so, as long you interest on something, you can able to find way to enjoy learn it, school is not an only source to get acknowledge.
2010-12-22 1:16 am
334 冇中國文學考架~~
參考: 我都係334 的~

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