Where should we go arr 22:00 in Anaheim for Namm show setting next day. we want to save 1 nite cost there?

2010-12-17 3:12 am
Any help ?We will arr Anaheim at 22:00 Los Angeles airport for Anaheim 2011Namm show next month. It will be late to Anaheim, the guest house checkin in next day. We will go for installation of booth in next early morning, so we try to save one nite cost. where should we go to and have a better relaxation.
any suggestion?

回答 (3)

2010-12-17 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
well you're asking this question in the ORLANDO FLORIDA section so not that many people are gonna be able to help you out.
i suggest putting this question in the LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA section where you will get way more and better answers as the people that will answer you know the area very well.
2010-12-18 3:02 am
What does arr mean?
2010-12-18 10:54 pm
Anaheim is nowhere near Orlando.

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