
2010-12-17 6:31 am
The reviewer probably won't visit Mackie Kitchen r_________


回答 (2)

2010-12-17 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Couild it be 'recently'?
'm just guessing.
參考: me myself
2010-12-17 5:04 pm
I think it could be "randomly".

Usually a reviewer will pay an unannounced visit (random visit) to a restaurant.

The author of the sentence is guessing (hoping) that perhaps this time the reviewer may give some notice before coming, so he/she says "The reviewer probably won't visit Mackie Kitchen randomly.

"random" means "not scheduled", "any time".

2010-12-20 06:27:14 補充:
Just thought of another word: "regularly".
"The reviewer probably won't visit Mackie Kitchen regularly".
However, I still prefer "randomly", because usually reviewers don't visit the same restaurant regularly.
參考: my past learning

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