2010-12-17 12:51 am

1.Suppose sam has a one-day off. He has to choose one of the two activities: going on a trip to macau or playing computer games at home. Why does Ben need to make a choice?
A.He does not want to pay a cost.
B.He is facing the problem of scarcity.
C.The values of two wants are different.
D.He wants to realise two wants by making a choice.

2. Which of following decisions involve(s) opportunity cost?
(1) Marco takes a one-day leave from the company to celebrate his grandfather's birthday.
(2) Edison obtains the textbook and stationery grant from the government to buy the textbooks.
(3) Sammie donates the money for buying cosmetics to help the victims of South Asian Tsunami.

C (1) & (3) ONLY
D (1),(2) AND (3)

回答 (2)

2010-12-17 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. B
因為有scarcity ,Ben要係going on a trip to macau or playing computer games at home之中作選擇

2. D

第(1) - Marc要請假去慶祝 grandfather既生日,cost:係公司番工賺到既錢少左
第(2)- 政府比錢Edison買字典同埋教科書,但果筆錢其實仲有第2d同途,好似放多d錢係發放綜援金度
第(3)- Sammie藉住買化妝品捐錢去幫助受南亞海嘯影響既人,但係佢其實可以用d錢買其他野

2010-12-17 2:10 am
Question 1
Ans: B.He is facing the problem of scarcity.

Question 2
Ans: D (1),(2) AND (3)

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