2010-12-17 12:44 am
"most citizens indicated they were against it"
句子中是不是可以有indicated 和 were 兩個VERB在句子中?
可以有2個VERB?請解釋! THANKS!

即係我地平時做句個都可以 隱藏個'that'?

回答 (4)

2010-12-17 4:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
most citizens indicated (THAT)they were against it"

1根本上,即使唔寫THAT,我地都估到THAT IS HIDDEN.

2所以HIDE OR NOT ,其實係隨人喜歡.

3但有一些情況, 最好用THAT,(但不用也估到的!)

4即係我地平時做句個都可以 隱藏個'that'? (無錯)

如果THEY轉為PEOPLE,我地會CONFUSED, most citizens indicated people or people were against it. 因為 people can act as a subject or object.

你呢句句子,因為THEY一定係SUBJECT,所以必定理解為 indicated that而不是 indicated they.(impossible because they always as be a subject.)
2010-12-17 1:42 am
"That" is necessary here because without it, the clause: "most citzens indicated" will be considered dangling. In English we called it restrictive clause.
Example :

I want to tell you (?) they are not happy.

Most citizens indicated that they were against it. (correct)
2010-12-17 1:06 am
這是 reported speech
你試將句子看成 most citizens indicated that they were against it , 有沒有問題?
2010-12-17 1:04 am
The word 'that' is hidden.
"most citizens indicated (that) they were against it"

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