1GB=?MB , 1MB=?KB, 1KB=?Byets?

2010-12-13 1:28 pm

回答 (12)

2010-12-13 1:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1GB =1000MB ,1 MB =1000KB, 1KB = 1000Bytes
2010-12-13 1:30 pm
1 GB = 1,024 MB
1 MB = 1,024 KB
1 KB = 1,024 Bytes


The different number you will, undoubtedly, see is because some will use the International Standard (ISO) number which is 1 GB = 1,000 MB; 1 MB = 1,000 KB; 1 KB = 1,000 Bytes. In computer technology, however, figures are dealt with in binary code. To differentiate the two, the International Standard now states that 1 GB = 1,024 should be pronounced Gibibyte, and written as GiB, rather than Gigabyte (GB) which, they say, is the correct term for being in multiples of 1,000. (They also state that KB (Kilobyte) is in multiples of 1,000 and that the correct computer term should now be pronounced as Kibibyte (KiB).)
2016-05-31 6:50 pm
1 KB=1024 Bytes 1MB =1024 KB 1GB =1024 MB
2010-12-15 12:35 pm
2010-12-14 12:04 pm
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 KB = 1024 Bytes

simple hai yaar
2010-12-13 2:15 pm
1024 for all answer
2010-12-13 2:00 pm
they are all 1024
2010-12-13 1:41 pm
1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 Megabytes (MB)
1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 Kilo bytes (KB)
1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 Bytes

Multiples of bytes
SI decimal prefixes Binary
usage IEC binary prefixes
(Symbol) Value Name
(Symbol) Value
kilobyte (kB) 103 210 kibibyte (KiB) 210
megabyte (MB) 106 220 mebibyte (MiB) 220
gigabyte (GB) 109 230 gibibyte (GiB) 230
terabyte (TB) 1012 240 tebibyte (TiB) 240
petabyte (PB) 1015 250 pebibyte (PiB) 250
exabyte (EB) 1018 260 exbibyte (EiB) 260
zettabyte (ZB) 1021 270 zebibyte (ZiB) 270
yottabyte (YB) 1024 280 yobibyte (YiB) 280
2010-12-13 1:37 pm
In short, a bit is one digit, that can only be 1 or 0. A byte is 8 bits (2 to the 3rd). A kB (Kilobyte) is 1024 bytes. Megabyte is 1024 kB or 1048576 bytes, and gigabyte is 1024 megabytes. Since the bit only has 2 values, the 1024 is a power of two. Normal metric units are based on powers of 10, so kilo- mega- giga- are all nice powers of ten. -- For a long answer, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_rate_units
2010-12-13 1:37 pm
They're all either 1,000 or 1,024 depending on exactly how they're being used.

Are we measuring hard drives or system memory? Are we measuring file sizes or flash drive sizes?

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