經濟 econ問題(急) !

2010-12-13 11:31 pm
大家可唔可以幫我講解下答案的原因, 我不太明白
如果 講解得令我滿意的話,我會贈送40分 thx!Ina small college town, four microbreweries have opened in the last two years.Demonstrate the effect of these new market entrants on demand for incumbentfirms (microbreweries) that already served this market. Assume that the localcommunity now places a moratorium on new liquor licenses for microbreweries.How will this moratorium affect the long-run profitability of incumbent firms? ANSWER: The arrival of a new entrant should begraphically depicted by a leftward shift in the demand curves faced by allincumbent firms. If firms are able to make economic profits, these will be ableto be maintained in the long run if new entrants are not allowed.

回答 (2)

2010-12-23 5:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先第一個問題,因為果d entrants of microbreweries and the microbreweries that already served are substitutes.所以答案係demand shift left.

第2條問題,如果是short run的話,因為firm有個fixed factor是不可變動的,所以在增加output上面會有困難,若只加variable factor, 由於law of diminishing marginal return,就會減少個profit.
但因為long run只有variable factor,所以可以彈性變動supply,所以不會影響profit. If firms are able to make economic profits, these will be ableto be maintained in the long run
這意思就是,如果firm以前一直keep 住有profit,咁佢之後都會繼續有profit.
if new entrants are not allowed.
雖然firm可以彈性控制supply,但是entrant會將部分market資源(demand)拎走,所以profit會減少.所以只有在沒新進者的情況下maintain profit.

a legally authorized postponement before some obligation must be discharged

2010-12-17 12:55 am
伊娜小大學城,四個小型啤酒廠陸續在過去兩年 years.demonstrate的影響,這些新進入市場的需求incumbentfirms(啤酒廠)已經擔任這個市場.
假設一個社區,現在公共場所暫停新酒許可證 microbreweries.how將這項措施影響的長期在位企業的盈利能力?

hope i can help you

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