
2010-12-13 5:29 am

adv係唔係用來修釋v同 adj架?

e.g:The Hospital Authority reacted quickly to the theft,issuing instructions to improve collections of blood samples.

句子中reacted(v) 後面有 quickly(adv)

例如:she is a very beautiful girl.


回答 (2)

2010-12-13 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Hospital Authority reacted quickly to the theft,issuing instructions to improve collections of blood samples.

句子中reacted(v) 後面有 quickly(adv),正符合你的理解,"Adverb" 可以用來修飾 "verb"。所以這句是正確的。Adverb 是會放在 adj. 前面的,但不一定放在 verb 前面,而是多數放在 verb 後面的。

He walks [slowly].
She cries [loudly].
When the teacher speaks, the students listen [carefully].

有時侯 adverb 會放在 verb 前面,例如:
He [gradually] became more and more interested in the performing arts.
She [unexpectedly] showed up at my door.

除了修飾 verb 和 adjective 之外, adverb 也可以用來修飾 另一個 adverb, 例如:

"You should listen [very] carefully.
He is [obviously] very sad.

參考: my past learning
2010-12-13 8:49 pm
1)adv係唔係用來修釋v同 adj架? >>答對的.


e.g:The Hospital Authority reacted quickly(quickily 形容 react. reacted is verb of past tense, not adj) to the theft,issuing instructions to improve collections of blood samples.


The Hospital Authority reacted quickly 就好似John runs(verb) quickly. 然而JOHN這句也可以改成John quickly runs.


Your English is generally good. Your English is good generally.(錯,沒有此FORMAT)

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